
What is your background?
32 years of professional experience in medicine, basic, clinical, and behavioral research, oversight of medical, safety, scientific and clinical research operations, clinical research policy, and research ethics. Leadership credentials include responsibility for 1) development and execution of a strategic vision, and successful management of a P&L at four leading contract research organizations; and 2). enforcing compliance to federal regulations protecting human subjects in federally funded clinical research while in the service of the United States Government (National Institutes of Health).

I am a physician. I graduated medical school from Johns Hopkins university. I trained in surgery. However, I followed a clinical research career path rather than clinical practice. I was a fellow in transplant immunology at the National Cancer Institute and then Mass General Hospital and Harvard Medical School. My career primarily has been medical leadership in contract research organizations (CROs), where I provided medical and safety oversight of clinical research for the development of new biopharmaceuticals and medical devices.

In 2003 I took a job at the NIAID Division of AIDS. Dr. Fauci had been running the Institute since about 1983, so in essence I worked for him (though not as a direct report). I founded a branch at the Division of AIDS still in existence today called OPCRO – The Office for Policy in Clinical Research Operations. The purpose of the branch was to assure that investigators conducting AIDS clinical research were conforming to federal rules regarding protection of human subjects and following Good Clinical Practice(GCP) guidelines, both of which were required of investigators who were receiving government grant money. Unfortunately, I found instances where they weren’t, and one where Dr. Fauci was implicated. And of course, I was retaliated against for my attention to these matters. I was fired, which led to a 3 year battle to get my reputation and job restored. I succeeded 1 luckily. The details can be found in chapter 8 of RFK Jrs’ book The Real Anthony Fauci. Not until too late did I appreciate that I had been hired to a clinical research rule enforcement role that had no teeth! It was all window dressing!

I was fortunate to return to a career in contract research where I held a series of important roles at some of the world’s largest CROs overseeing important drug development.

In 2017 I started my own company, Veracuity, to try to develop an efficient and effective way to collect evidence of drug harm from consumers, physicians and social media.

I also worked for a time in the cannabis sector.

Was that your motivation for volunteering?
My concerns about the poor collection of drug safety information from patients/ healthcare professionals was borne out when COVID vaccines became available to the public. I was always skeptical about them because they were rushed through development. You can’t cut corners on drug development, particularly with new technologies such as mRNA. Serious problems arise with many products well after 30 days of administration. We are learning that the hard way now and the toll of the vaccines on the American public and the world in general has been huge and frightening. We have all been subjected to a massive “Tuskegee” experiment. It has seriously shaken my confidence in the medical and public health professions. Fortunately, I was not in a position where I had an employer that was forcing me to be vaccinated, so I am in the control group! My motivation to join the TBT project, where I have been since its inception, was to collect stories from people who believe they or their loved ones have been harmed by the COVID vaccines. That did not materialize as the TBT project developed, but we have found a meaningful way to assist the public in understanding what research has been revealing about the vaccines in the hope that those responsible can be held to accountability – my old boss included!

Do you have a personal Covid Story?
Owing to the tendency of the spike proteins produced by the vaccine to induce thrombosis, I always believed that the vaccine could be implicated in mini-strokes that could lead to dementia. A loved one with slowly developing dementia was vaccinated and her cognition declined rapidly soon after. I have held the belief that this acceleration was the result of the vaccine. At the time I came to that hypothesis, there was not research suggesting it. A year later, I began to see reports suggesting the connection.

What are you working on here at C19Files?
We have an amazing group of dedicated people working on this project! It is remarkable how we have become so cohesive. I am the only physician in the core group so I was instrumental in the effort to collect scientific literature that implicated the vaccine in many medical conditions such as myocarditis.

Are you using skills you already had or learning new ones?
Not so much learning new ones so much as using ones that have been dormant for a long time!

What thoughts/hopes do you have for the future of the C19Files project, our country, world?
There are so many people who can benefit from the research we have collected and the depositions and expert testimony that we hope to collect. The American public has been lied to by the medical and public health professions, medical societies, government, industry, media, and many more. I never saw myself as conspiracy theorist, but the handling of the COVID crisis and many other efforts from the elites in power can sure make you wonder if this is all part of a big plot to control our lives. Just think of all the occasions our civil liberties have been trampled on!

The jury is still out.