John Trivers

My name is John Trivers. I am the owner of Vibrant Press Digital Media. My business provides digital media services to small businesses, non-profits, professionals, and content creators who are seeking to grow their online presence. My offerings range from website design and SEO services to email campaigns and copywriting.

Was that your motivation for volunteering?
I was introduced to while reading the Substack of Jeff Childers. I’ve been inspired by Jeff’s positive message of change and of the essential value placed on our legal framework for safeguarding personal liberty and freedoms. Over the last three years, I’ve witnessed an erosion of personal liberties and an increasing and unnecessary growth of government overreach into the lives of our nation’s citizens. This trajectory is unsustainable if we are to maintain our personal freedoms and rights.

It feels important to support the values of accountability, transparency, and responsibility in public policy and governance. The handling of Covid – from lockdowns to mandates particularly the loss of personal freedom surrounding medical decisions reflects a trend away from how I see government best serving the people of our country. I believe the model of as a grassroots effort for steering a different course can have positive value while providing real tools and resources for those seeking help and information.

Do you have a personal Covid Story?
Like all of us, I have experienced numerous challenges over the last three years. I’ve witnessed family members and friends endure stress and hardship as a result of our government’s policies. Isolation and fear damaged relationships, particularly with elderly family members and children. The shuttering of schools was hard on my kids and their friendships. The censorship in our media and proliferation of inaccurate scientific data reporting drove a massive wedge in the ability to have healthy, necessary conversations about how best to go about our day-to-day lives as communities and in friendship circles. I lost friends. Loved ones lost their jobs. All of this was avoidable and should never be repeated. We need to learn from our mistakes. is a step in that direction.

What are you working on here at C19Files?
I’m part of the marketing team, primarily focused on getting our website up to speed and supporting its ability to convey the message and services of the organization. In my brief time as a volunteer, I’ve been inspired by the efforts and desires of the other volunteers – people from all over this country who share a common vision of hope and positive change. I look forward to seeing all of the tools and resources offered by come to life and help forge a new path.

Are you using skills you already had or learning new ones?
A bit of both. I’m a techie and always look for inspiration and challenge in the work that I do. Similarly, I enjoy the experience of collaboration and bringing to life new projects and ideas.

What thoughts/hopes do you have for the future of the C19Files project? For our country? World?
My hope is that we can learn from the mistakes that have been made over the last several years. Too many lives have been impacted negatively and needlessly. The fabric of our society has lost some its strength and resiliency. However, I am optimistic that we will rebound. The mission of is a good step in the right direction.